Executive Board

We are always looking for interested people to join our executive board or volunteer to help plan events. All are welcome to attend our monthly business meetings, typically held the last Wednesday of the month. For general inquiries, please email us at info@arkyedmonton.ca

President - Amandah van Merlin


Amandah  became president of ASAEC in 2018 after becoming involved with the Edmonton Centre in 2015. Amandah received a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Alberta and a Master of Arts from Trent University. Her research has focused primarily on the interactions between people and landscapes and has included archaeological projects in Alberta, British Columbia, and Turkey. Amandah has worked at the Royal Alberta Museum and currently works in Aboriginal Consultation. She is passionate about educating others about the importance of heritage resources in the province and around the world.

Vice-President/Membership Secretary - Jennifer Hallson


Jennifer has a Bachelor of Arts, Honours and a Master of Arts in Anthropology, both from the University of Alberta. She has worked on archaeological sites in Alberta, Utah, and Wyoming and is interested in lithic analysis, quantitative methods, and Plains archaeology. She joined ASAEC's board in 2017. Currently, she works for a land services company facilitating Indigenous consultation and completing research for land claims. Jennifer also manages ASAEC's website.

Treasurer - Séamus Rudden


Séamus is working towards his BA (Hons) at the University of Alberta in Anthropology. He is primarily interested in policy, ethics, and legal anthropology. Séamus assumed the role of treasurer in 2024 and looks forward to sharing in learning with the public about Alberta's archaeological heritage.  

Secretary - Taydem LaRocque


Taydem LaRocque (She/Her) is an anthropology student at the University of Alberta, currently enrolled in the BA of Anthropology program, Her research interests involve the promotion and usage of Public Archaeology and the benefits of archaeological education.

Some of her historical work includes volunteering with organizations such as Fort Edmonton Park, The Galt Museum and Fort Whoop Up, Royal Alberta Museum, and completing archaeological field training at Head-Smashed In Buffalo Jump in 2021 with the University of Lethbridge. she will also be serving as active president for The University of Alberta's Anthropology Undergraduate Association for the 2024/2025 season and looks forward to building connections between students and the ASA.

Director - Madeline Coleman

Madeline has been part of the Edmonton chapter since 2013, and has been serving as Treasurer since 2014. Starting in 2015, she and Amandah have been working on the Brazeau Archaeological Project to provide archaeological opportunities for the ASAEC members. She has been working all over Alberta as a consulting archaeologist since 2008, although mostly in the Boreal forest.

Director - Angela Green

Angela has a background in archaeology and heritage resource management.  Her studies focused on land use and subsistence. Research interests include public archaeology, paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeoloy, traditional land use and the re-interpretation of sites excavated decades ago.   Angela joined ASAEC in 2008, and has served on the board during most of her involvement with the Society. She currently spearheads the ASAEC History project.

Director - Evert Poor

Evert is active in the community in a number roles. Current Vice-President Aksis a not-for-profit organization supporting the Indigenous business and professional community. Board member of the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation (AHRF) who provide provincial funding for Alberta Public Heritage Organizations. Board member of Edmonton Business Diversity Network (EBDN) an organization advocating education and best practices for diversity and inclusion in the Edmonton Business community. Board member of Research Ethics Board (REB) Grant MacEwan who oversee research undertaken by students and faculty. Entering his nineteenth year as a volunteer historical interpreter at Fort Edmonton Park.

Recently retired from TELUS with thirty-nine years of Marketing, Sales and Operational experience in the telecommunications industry. He worked in the Broadcast industry after attending Mount Royal College Radio and Television Arts program.

Evert is of Saulteaux and Métis ancestry and is a member of the Tootinaowaxiibeeng (Valley River) First Nations of southern Manitoba. Evert and his wife Gisele live in Sherwood Park where they raised their five children.